Tuesday, 17 November 2015

KPTCL AE JLM, JSA Final Selection List 2015-16

Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited will be soon release AE JLM, JSA Final Selection List. After releasing it you also can check it from below.

Karnataka KPTCL AE JLM, JSA Selection List 2015 | Merit List

The Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited having various numbers of vacant posts. As per previous released notification there are required candidates for the posts of Junior Lineman and Junior Station Attendant. For all these vacant posts there was many number of candidates was applied online after submitting online application there will be all candidates got selected by written exam. So for complete this recruitment process this written exam was also organized on 5 and 6 September 2015. So after this exam here now all aspirants are result declaration and final selection list. As per guideline from this corporation this final list will be released soon on official recruitment link. To after releasing this final selection list you also can check it from official career link at http://www.kptcl.com/Careers.htm .

KPTCL JLM Selection List 2015,

KPTCL JSA Selection List 2015

The Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a state level electricity corporation. To supply this electricity in all over in state there are also require number of candidates for different posts. As per other recruitment in this corporation there are also on process recruitment of Junior Lineman and Junior Station Attendant. For these posts the provisional merit list also declared by this company and final selection list will be also declared soon. To get more detail about this recruitment you also can check on official website of it at http://www.kptcl.com/ .


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